and Brand

Because your brand deserves
a red carpet moment

how can
we help

Hand-drawn illustration of a snake with a tiger by Sub Kultura - Brand Strategy and Identity Specialists

Brand Strategy
Brand Identity
Core Discovery
3D Modeling
Layout Design
Package Design

"We help unique people to achieve clarity and ownership through brand strategy and co-creation so that they can shine out from competition and feel excited about their journey."

- Sub Kultura


restaurant Dominic logo
tervisepüramiid logo
kaidsõq logo
Round Table logo
3D treening logo
Estum logo
wiil logo


In branding and brand strategy, it's not you, it's not me, it's all about WE. Think of it like a potluck dinner: everyone brings their best dish, and together we create a feast that's both delicious and Instagram-worthy. To whip up something truly amazing, it's crucial that everyone rolls up their sleeves and gets involved.

Imagine if everyone on your team spoke the same language—no, not just English, but Brand-ese! That means being totally aligned and working towards the same fabulous goal. We often forget how crucial it is to make everyone feel like they belong, that their voice matters, and that they're part of the decision-making process. Because, let’s face it, no one wants to be that person who brought the store-bought potato salad to the cookout.

So, does your team already speak Brand-ese fluently, or do you just think they do? Dive into our offers below and let’s chat about making your brand strategy a delightful buffet of brilliance. 😊


1. Clarity and Focus

2. Enhanced Communication

3. Strategic Alignment

4. Informed Decision-Making

5. Improved Brand Consistency

Booking Core Discovery from Sub Kultura provides significant advantages by offering clarity and focus, which align teams around a unified set of values, thus boosting efficiency. This framework enhances both internal and external communication, enabling clear and compelling brand messages that resonate with audiences. Strategic alignment ensures that business and creative projects are in sync with the organization’s core values, resulting in cohesive and impactful initiatives. Informed decision-making is facilitated by a solid foundation of core principles, ensuring choices are consistent with brand identity. Finally, Core Discovery promotes brand consistency across all touchpoints, fostering trust and loyalty among customers, and ultimately leading to a stronger, more recognizable brand.


1. Differentiation

2. Customer Loyalty

3. Consistency

4. Targeted Marketing

5. Increased Value

A well-defined brand strategy provides numerous advantages, including clear differentiation from competitors by highlighting unique qualities that attract specific customer segments. It fosters customer loyalty through consistent and meaningful branding, creating trust and emotional connections that lead to repeat business. Ensuring consistency across all marketing and communication channels, a strong brand strategy reinforces the brand message, making it easily recognizable and trustworthy. It enables targeted marketing by understanding the brand's core values and audience, resulting in more effective and impactful campaigns. Additionally, a strong brand can command higher prices and drive greater profitability, as customers often perceive well-established brands as more valuable, enhancing market positioning and overall business performance.

Brand Strategy & Identity

1. Unified Vision

2. Enhanced Recognition

3. Stronger Emotional Connection

4. Improved Credibility and Trust

5. Effective Communication

Combining brand strategy and brand identity yields significant advantages, ensuring a unified vision where every element aligns with core values and goals, creating a cohesive and compelling brand narrative. This integration enhances recognition, making the brand easily identifiable through consistent visual elements, messaging, and tone. It fosters stronger emotional connections by presenting an authentic and relatable brand, which deepens customer loyalty and engagement. A consistent and professional brand identity backed by a solid strategy builds credibility and trust, making the brand appear reliable and authoritative. Moreover, this combination ensures clear, consistent communication, enhancing the effectiveness of marketing efforts and making it easier to convey the brand’s value proposition to the target audience. These benefits collectively contribute to a more robust, memorable, and trustworthy brand, driving long-term business success.

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