Until now, Sub Kultura was more of a vague idea than a clearly defined entity. It was like trying to describe a cloud—it was there, but good luck pinning it down. We desperately needed a clear branding strategy to help define Sub Kultura and explain who its customers are. Plus, our online visibility needed a serious boost so customers could actually find their way to Sub Kultura. Imagine trying to find Waldo in a sea of Waldos, but with no striped shirt to guide you. Time to change that!


We embarked on a strategic rebranding journey and created a new brand identity that truly captures the essence of Sub Kultura and its values. As part of this transformation, we also launched a sleek new website and a LinkedIn page. Now, Sub Kultura is not only defined but also ready to be discovered by anyone who shares its vibe.


Branding and Identity
Web Design and Development
3D Video Production

the Strategy

Through a series of exercises in the strategy session, we managed to extract and refine the key pillars of the brand. This process defined Sub Kultura’s personality: how it should look, sound, and act. Now, Sub Kultura has a clear and captivating identity that truly stands out.

Brand strategy layout

Defining the
Brand Goals

Sub Kultura founder Martin Perens, with a little help from his friends, hunkered down to craft the brand’s strategy. During a two-day brainstorming bonanza, Martin tackled the organization's challenges head-on. Together, they prioritized the business's and its customers' needs and goals. This epic session laid the groundwork for the brand’s future plans.

Brand strategy layout

"We help unique people to achieve clarity and ownership through brand strategy and co-creation so that they can shine out from competition and feel excited about their journey."

The Positioning

Understanding who Sub Kultura is and who its customers are helped us craft a brand positioning statement. This statement set the tone for everything we created for the brand. Now, Sub Kultura isn't just another face in the crowd—it's the cool, charismatic one that everyone wants to hang out with!

Brand Attributes

Brand attributes are crucial to Sub Kultura because they define who we are and set us apart from the competition. They ensure we consistently deliver a unique and memorable experience, creating harmony across all our interactions. This consistency builds trust and loyalty among our customers, who know what to expect from us every time.These attributes help us connect emotionally with our audience, forging strong bonds and a loyal community. They guide our decisions, keeping us true to our core values and mission. This alignment makes it easier for customers to identify with Sub Kultura, making them more likely to stick around.In essence, brand attributes boost our reputation, making us memorable and trusted. They keep our brand identity strong and cohesive, ensuring Sub Kultura stands out and resonates deeply with our audience.


Brand Refresh

Sub Kultura went all out and developed a whole new identity system to ensure every brand touchpoint screamed "Sub Kultura!" The rebrand included a snazzy new logo, a vibrant color palette, a sleek typeface, and even some eye-popping 3D materials and illustrations. It's like Sub Kultura got a head-to-toe makeover, making the entire experience as cohesive as a synchronized swimming team.It all started with crafting the brand strategy, positioning statement, and user profiles. From there, Sub Kultura went full-on makeover mode, creating an identity system that touched every corner of the brand. It was like giving the brand a spa day, from its logo to its website, ensuring every touchpoint sparkled like a freshly polished diamond.By defining our brand attributes, we ensured we consistently deliver a unique and memorable experience, creating harmony across all interactions. This consistency builds trust and loyalty among our customers, who know what to expect from us every time. These attributes help us connect emotionally with our audience, forging strong bonds and a loyal community. They guide our decisions, keeping us true to our core values and mission, making it easier for customers to identify with Sub Kultura and stick around.In essence, Sub Kultura’s brand attributes boost our reputation, making us memorable and trusted. They keep our brand identity strong and cohesive, ensuring Sub Kultura stands out and resonates deeply with our audience.

layout of sub kulturas CVI
Sub Kultura Website - Expert Brand Strategy and Identity Services. Elevating Brands with Strategic Planning and Unique Visual Identity Solutions.

The Website

Get ready for excitement with every scroll! Our goal was to make it effortless for users to discover and dive into the Sub Kultura universe. At the same time, we wanted to keep them on the edge of their seats with each swipe—like a mystery novel you can't put down!Before diving into web design, we did our homework on what's hot in the market. We checked out competitors' sites to see what they were serving up and what they were missing out on.The experience kicks off with a killer landing page featuring our brand mascot and a headline that screams, "Hey, here's who we are!" It's like meeting a celebrity at a party—exciting, memorable, and totally on brand!

Sub Kultura typeface

Finding the
Right Type

We gave the brand's typeface a makeover—think modern, clean, and just the right amount of sass. It's like finding the perfect outfit that works from a red carpet event to a pajama party. The challenge? None of the existing fonts seemed to vibe with Sub Kultura's logo or capture its essence. That's why we rolled up our sleeves and created our very own font, aptly named "Sub Eight," to match our brand's unique vibe. Now, Sub Kultura's font game is stronger than a triple espresso on a Monday morning—bold, fresh, and totally unforgettable!

Sub Kultura Brand Illustrations - Showcasing Expert Brand Strategy and Identity Services. Unique, Hand-Drawn Designs Reflecting Founder’s Creativity and Simplicity.

Visual System

Our illustrations are inspired by the founder’s own scribbles, jazzed up with a touch of tattoo flair. These unique designs often need just one color to shine, emphasizing simplicity and the founder's distinctive handwriting. This minimalist approach not only makes our illustrations easy to produce but also ensures they retain a personal and quirky charm. Perfect for quick reproduction and packed with character, our illustrations are a testament to creativity and convenience.


Client - Martin Perens
Brand Strategie - Sub Kultura
Creative Direction - Sub Kultura
Art Directtion - Sub Kultura
Design - Sub Kultura
3D modeleling and animation - Sub Kultura
Web design - Sub Kultura
Illustration - Sub Kultura
Animation - Sub Kultura

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