Sub Kultura: Where Creativity
and Quirkiness Collide!

Once upon a time, in the not-so-distant year of 2016, Sub Kultura was born out of the sheer necessity to write invoices. But like a quirky sidekick in a superhero movie, what started as a mundane task blossomed into a creative haven. Thanks to our amazing clients, I now wear many hats—Art Director, Creative Director, and occasional coffee-maker. This journey has been nothing short of thrilling and enlightening. However, like the old saying goes, "The cobbler’s children have no shoes," Sub Kultura was running around barefoot for quite a while. But guess what? 2024 is the year we slip into some snazzy new shoes, complete with a brand strategy and a fresh visual identity that perfectly fits who we are and what we've become.

The Meaning of Sub Kultura
Now, let’s get a bit intellectual. A subculture is a group within a larger cultural society that sets itself apart from mainstream values, often sticking to some unique founding principles. These subcultures craft their own norms and values, marching to the beat of their own drum."But how does this relate to a business?" you ask. Excellent question, dear reader! Let me explain.Every company is essentially its own subculture, with its own "laws" and rules of conduct. So, when you create a logo for a company, you're essentially designing a badge for a specific subculture."But designers don't just make logos!" you protest. Correct! We can put everything into a subculture context. :D
Brand Strategy: Defining the subculture and plotting the game plan.
Logo/Identity: The visual emblem for the group of people working within this subculture.
Packaging: A way to reach the subgroup of people who use the product—a subculture in itself. :D
And so on, and so forth.

So, you could say Sub Kultura is a visualizer of subcultures. :DIf your subculture needs a refresh or you want to create a new subculture for your clients, get in touch with me. Together, we’ll find the perfect solution for your needs.

Sub Kultura brand illustrations by Martin Perens. Man with his leg on the letter B. Tenticles. Bone. Hand. Banner. Stars

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